14 March 2013

今日 Hacker News 头条:

Google Reader shutting down googleblog.blogspot.com

973 points by knurdle 6 hours ago 454 comments

Google Reader


A second spring of cleaning


We launched Google Reader in 2005 in an effort to make it easy for people to discover and keep tabs on their favorite websites. While the product has a loyal following, over the years usage has declined. So, on July 1, 2013, we will retire Google Reader. Users and developers interested in RSS alternatives can export their data, including their subscriptions, with Google Takeout over the course of the next four months.


我们在2005年发布了Google Reader,希望它能让人们更容易发现自己最喜爱的网站,并给它们加上标签。虽然这种产品获得了用户忠诚的追随,但随着多年时间的推移,其使用量已经下降。因此,在2013年7月1日,我们将会关闭Google Reader。在未来四个月时间里,对RSS订阅服务感兴趣的用户和开发者可以使用Google Takeout(数据打包下载服务)把自己的数据导出来,其中包括订阅的内容。

登录 Google Reader,也有关张提醒:

Google Reader will not be available after July 1, 2013

Google 的说法:

These changes are never easy. But by focusing our efforts, we can concentrate on building great products that really help in their lives.

习惯了用 Google Reader 看新闻,这下怎么办?

Google Reader

Google 精简无度。

已通过 Google Takeout 下载 Google Reader 数据到本地,期待下一个 Reader 崛起。


有道支持手工导入 Google Reader 数据,UI 和易用性有待增强。鲜果支持微博账号登录,更提供了一键搬家的功能,且能抓取墙外的数据。鲜果CEO梁公军说,Google Reader的用户是我们很看重的机会,接下来就看他做得怎么样了。

也找了两款 GUI 的 RSS 阅读器:

小众软件推荐的 Vienna,试用Beta3,还不错,开源,支持 Retina 屏,速度也还好,从 Google Reader 里挑选了一些精品网站,手工订阅,感觉尚好,但不支持分组:

Read it Your Way

Vienna (are you looking for Vienna, Austria?) is an RSS/Atom reader for Mac OS X, packed with powerful features that help you make sense of the flood of information that is distributed via these formats today. Vienna is continuously being improved and updated, so keep up to date with current development on the forums.

苹果 Fans 博客推荐的 NetNewsWire,以前是收费软件,但最近变成免费的了。界面更加精致,可同步 Google Reader 数据,但未成功,订阅也不行,网络问题?从截图看,支持分组。

Net News Wire for Macintosh

Looking for an easy-to-use RSS and Atom reader for your Mac? You’ve found it! The Eddy award-winning NetNewsWire has a familiar three-paned interface and can fetch and display news from millions of different websites and weblogs.

还是 Vienna 好。

CSDN 发布文章,推荐若干 GR 替代品:

  • Feedly 过于华丽,不太习惯

  • NetVibes 接近 GR,孙健炜测试过,尚可接受

  • NewsBlur 免费版最多可添加64个新闻源

这篇文章还没有完成,已经有人发起保卫 Google Reader 的活动:


Great product should have it’s life.

Christen - 14 Mar 2013 06:57

同时,孙健炜发现了一个新的好东西,美味爱读,不是 RSS 订阅工具,但的确能读到优秀的内容,而且偏向程序员。

关于 Reader,到此为止,Google 你折腾掉了我不少的时间,本来我只剩下 10000 多天的日子。


Why is Google killing Google Reader?

Let's be clear that this has nothing to do with revenue vs operating costs. Reader never made money directly (though you could maybe attribute some of Feedburner and AdSense for Feeds usage to it), and it wasn't the goal of the product.

Reader has been fighting for approval/survival at Google since long before I was a PM for the product. I'm pretty sure Reader was threatened with de-staffing at least three times before it actually happened. It was often for some reason related to social:

  • 2008 - let’s pull the team off to build OpenSocial

  • 2009 - let’s pull the team off to build Buzz

  • 2010 - let’s pull the team off to build Google+

It turns out they decided to kill it anyway in 2010, even though most of the engineers opted against joining G+. Ironically, I think the reason Google always wanted to pull the Reader team off to build these other social products was that the Reader team actually understood social (and tried a lot of experiments over the years that informed the larger social features at the company). Reader's social features also evolved very organically in response to users, instead of being designed top-down like some of Google's other efforts.

I suspect that it survived for some time after being put into maintenance because they believed it could still be a useful source of content into G+. Reader users were always voracious consumers of content, and many of them filtered and shared a great deal of it.

But after switching the sharing features over to G+ (the so called "share-pocalypse") along with the redesigned UI, my guess is that usage just started to fall - particularly around sharing. I know that my sharing basically stopped completely once the redesign happened. Though Google did ultimately fix a lot of the UI issues, the sharing (and therefore content going into G+) would never recover.

So with dwindling usefulness to G+, (likely) dwindling or flattening usage due to being in maintenance, and Google's big drive to focus in the last couple of years, what choice was there but to kill the product?

Personally, I think that there is still a lot of value a service like Reader could provide -- particularly in a world with increasing information overload coming us from many different sources. But Reader at Google was pigeonholed as an RSS-reader explicitly, and didn't have a chance to grow beyond that to explore that space. But that's neither here nor there.

– Brian Shih, Former Google Reader Product Manager

再说 Google Groups,昨天上线 SAE 之后,发现很多 SAE Python 爱好者在 Google Groups 上探讨问题,氛围还可以,然后我才记起,早在 2007 年,我就已经申请过一个 Groups,只是没人和我交流而已。

我一直想有一个好的工具,内部交流,防止同事错过重要的信息,之前试用过 QQ 的 Maillist,但感觉是一个快过气的产品,可能很快就会像 Reader 一样下架。于是新建一个讨论组:



原来的 程序员起步 改为 有爱才是家园,和老婆一起使用。


更多关于 Google Groups 的信息:


Google Group,我想大部分热爱 Google 的人们都听说过。但因为某些原因,Google Group 在国内很难访问,所以这个 Google 论坛注定在中国很难流行;当然,即便可以自由地访问,我仍然认为它不会被大多数人接受,因为 Google 论坛并没有我们所了解的诸如 Discuz! 那样丰富的功能,比如在 Google 论坛中帖图是件令人极度抓狂的事情;但Google论坛的强项在于与邮件系统的紧密整合,是的,目前为止我还没发现有其他BBS服务能与Google论坛的邮件系统相媲美,所以说 Google 论坛有点象上世纪流行的邮件 BBS 讨论组,而网络科技发展至今,邮件讨论组在中国几乎已死,人们在追求着象 Discuz! 专业论坛那样眩目花哨功能的同时却往往忽略了 BBS 的本质。而 Google 论坛我个人觉得正是 BBS 论坛中不可或缺的补充,它简洁,单纯,快速,方便并且与邮件系统完全整合,对于那些喜欢简单高效的人们来说 Google 论坛将是他们的挚爱。

Google 论坛难以访问?没事,我们可以订阅,因为邮件系统一般总是畅通无阻的。





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